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It is for measurement, testing and evaluation purposes. FLOWIN® Pro ScienceFriction™ aims to determine the direction and length of movements using the setup coordinate system.
The system helps you detect physical differences between the right and left halves of the body at a given time. 
You can monitor the changes in a certain movement over time and control the movements according to the desired length, direction and movement path.
It comes with white plate and pads and also provides access to online workouts. 
Dimensions 138x98 cm

FLOWIN® Pro Science Friction™

SKU: 7350005300074
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    Anlaşmalı olduğumuz kargo firması: MNG Kargo,

    Gönderim tarihi: 2 iş günü içerisinde kargoya teslim (Cumartesi-Pazar günü verilen siparişler Pazartesi günü kargolanır. Resmi tatillerde istisnalar olabilir)

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